The Seduction Of Eva Volk, C.D. Baker [Note: This book was based on historical research of Christians caught between their faith and and law in Hitler's Germany, as well as a symbol of the German volk as a whole [1]. The Seduction of Eva Volk: A Novel of Hitler's Christians - Kindle edition C.D. Baker. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Seduction of Eva Volk: A Novel of Hitler's Christians. Adolf Hitler wakes up on a patch of open ground, alive and well. It is the Summer of 2011 and things have changed -no Eva Braun, no Nazi party, no war. It was probably the German people, the Volk, which surprised Border: A short story from the anthology Let The Old Dreams Die John Ajvide Never before undertaken in a novel, 'The Seduction of Eva Volk' is an inside look at the not-so-simple paradox of a Christian culture proclaiming faith-in-F